Sunday, September 02, 2012

Sunday Salon - 09/02/12

If you are interested in other Salon posts, visit the Facebook page to get links.

A busy week for me. Glad the long weekend is here!!

Outside my window: Sitting on the newly cleaned porch. Had dinner out here, now just watching tv and enjoying the cool breeze.

I am listening to: Reruns of Mad About You (I love this show!) and night sounds (crickets).

I am reading:
Cabin by Lou Ureneck.

I am going to read: A library ebook downloaded on my brand new iPad! Not sure which though...

On the Blog: Due to several busy weeks returning our offices to useable, and then the return of students this week, and prep for classes beginning Monday...not much going on in blog-land.

Around the Book Blogosphere: Keeping up as best I can.

I am thinking: Using this blogger app is much easier on an iPad than my phone...but it's still not perfect. Really wish I could toggle to non-code writing. Also wish it would rotate and the keyboard would get bigger. But not having to turn my PC on to blog is priceless!

I am grateful for: Long weekends...and new electronics.

Around the house: Lots of work to do... I'm blogging instead.

In the kitchen: Still need to clean up after dinner.

High of the Week:
New iPad!

Low of the Week:
Being asked Friday morning to get a grant out, by Monday!

Family Matters: All is well, what more can I ask?

The coming week: Classes begin...I'm already tired!

Words of Wisdom:

Sorry, nothing...

Have a great week everyone!