Sunday, March 01, 2015

Sunday Salon - 03/01/15

If you are interested in other Salon posts, visit the Facebook page to get links. The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It's a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.


Well, hello again friends! Feeling much better this week, finally. Hubby had traveled for work and brought back not a t-shirt or a keychain like normal people, but some sort of Arizona plague. Then he passed it to me. We both seemed to have survived and now, quite frankly, I am ready to move into the spring and summer germ free!!

Along with fighting the remains of another illness, this week was busy as usual. My replacement started in my old department at work, so I spent several days hardcore training and downloading my brain. She seems to be picking up quickly (she was from within the company, so knows quite a bit already) and has already, just by her presence, taken responsibility off my shoulders. I am feeling like there is light at end of he tunnel! I feel a bit more in control.

The kitties are doing great! As they become more comfortable they are starting to explore the rest of the house. A is comfortable following us to the kitchen when we prepare food for her, but L is still scared. She sometimes follows us, but then runs right back to the safety of the bedroom. We tried to feed them in the kitchen today...let's just say it was a limited success. Now if only we could get the litter boxes into the bathroom!

We are, again, expecting snow tonight, though it will not be enough to get us out of work...just enough to make the drive scarey and dangerous! But, we may actually break the record tonight for  the snowiest...winter, I believe, ever!  And, keep in mind it all dropped over the past two months only!!

I've spent more time on Facebook this week than reading, but I'm trying to buckle down. I"m also trying to get up to date on my reviews. Hopefully with work calming down I will have more time to focus.

Have a great week!



Carina said...

Those little kitties are adorable! I hope you have luck with getting them to move around a bit more in the house. :-)

Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

Cute kitty photos. My cat got into the catnip last night and made a real mess on my toiletries on the counter in the bathroom. Ha! My Sunday Salon