Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday Faves - 04/27/12

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five. It's Friday so that makes it time to look back over our week and look for those things we are grateful for. It may be big or it may be small and you have to dig for it, but there are always things we can be thankful for. Please join us as we share our favorite five. If you need the guidelines they are here

1. Jumbo Days. This past week was "Jumbo Days" at Tufts. On those days the incoming first year students have the opportunity to walk around and visit different departments and see what they are all about. This is where being in physics comes in handy. Rather than give a boring old "about us" speech, we provided a playground of physics experiments. The kids had a great time and I got some fab pictures for our website. Hopefully we will have a big bunch of new majors come the fall!

2.  A to Z Challenge.  It's almost finished, three days left...but I am proud of myself!  There were a couple of days when I just couldn't force myself to turn on the pc and blog after very long, busy day at work, but because I had prewritten quite a few posts I've done a pretty great job of keeping up.  I posted late only once, I think. Yeah me!

3. Purely a cappella. My group booked once again with the Paw Sox this summer and have been contacted about another 2-3 local paying performances. Very cool!  Also, there is a possibility that we may end up traveling to Ireland next year...though very much just in the beginning phases, we're hoping it may work out!

4. Membership Drive. Going pretty good. As of today...

Total: 69
Auto-carried over (Life Members): 18
Transfer (carried over from 11-12): 7
Actual new/renewed memberships:  44 (pretty darn good for being only two months!)

5. It's Friday.  !!!!!

P.S. The kitty is doing great!


Susanne said...

Good for you for taking on the challenge and sticking to it even when it was hard.

How exciting that your group might have a chance to travel to Ireland!