Friday, December 20, 2013

BookwormProblems Linkup

In honor of her 31st birthday, Jessica over at Quirky Bookworm is hosting
#BookwormProblems Linkup we can all bitch and moan about our Bookish "first world problems". Yippee! I'll try not to repeat others', trying to keep it fresh...

1. Having a hubby who thinks whatever is crossing his mind at any given moment is much more important than what I am reading at that moment. And that moment. And that one. Oh, and that one too. And...

2. Doing the math and discovering that in fact completing my current TBR list will take more years than my total anticipated life span!

3. And related: realizing that I may enjoy adding books to my TBR list more than actually reading them. It's kind of Or opening Christmas presents. Or...Book Crack!

4. Also related: being a slow reader!  One or two books a week is not enough!

5. Having to sync my phone Overdrive with my iPad Overdrive so that I am not caught in line somewhere with nothing to read. They should auto-sync!

6. Limited, street parking at my town's library.

7. Having to get up every day and waste precious reading time bathing, driving, earning a living, driving more, and telling the hubby to leave me alone while I read.

It’s your turn – if you have #bookwormproblems Linkup and tell us about them!


How Jess Reads said...

Thanks so much for linking up!

And -- street parking at the library?? So tragic!