Monday, January 04, 2016

Monday Mailbox - 01/04/16

Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came in their mailbox during the last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles, and humongous wish lists.

The great thing about being an avid reader is that everyone wants to give you books for Chistmas. The bad thing about being an avid reader is that no one knows which books to get you, because you might already have read what they they don't buy you any.

But sometimes, they buy you gift certificates instead which is awesome!

I got three this year and when I went to put them in my wallet I discovered that I had multiple that still had balances on them from previous years (how is that even possible?!?). So, I went shopping!

After hitting a local bookstore, I went online for some ebook bargains:

- A Little History of the World by Gombrich, EH
- Turner House by Flournoy, Angela
- A Call of the Farm by Bilow, Rochelle
- Men We Reaped - ward, Jesmyn
- A Walk to Beautiful by Wayne, Jimmy
- Coming Clean by Miller, Kimberly

And of course over vacation I visited my favorite cheap media store...

And when I was done, I still had a sizable chunk left, so more shopping is in my future!!