Thursday, June 20, 2013

Cleaning out the closet...

As I transition back into the real world (having left the theater behind) and in light of Google Reader going bye-bye, I took some time to review my Google Blogger (as I updated to Feedly) list and what I found was surprising. I expected to clean up a few sites which I knew had gone off-line...

But I found quite a few that were over a year old with no posts! And most of them offered no, "So long, see ya later!" posts or anything. Wow...

So, I cleaned house. I removed over twenty sites which had not been posted on for many, many, many days. If the site was inactive for only a few months...I left them, just in case. Or, of course, if there was a "Will be back soon..." post. But otherwise, I was brutal!

Hopefully I didn't cut anyone important!

If you think I cut you by accident, please let me know.

But with the cobwebs cleared, I can now focus on the awesome bloggers who post regularly and often make me laugh, and find new awesome blogs that I do not already have.

Books, photography, and/or funny is what I am looking for....

Any suggestions?