Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sunday Salon - 11/24/13

If you are interested in other Salon posts, visit the Facebook page to get links.

What up, bloggies?! 

This past week has been busy catching up at work, preparing for a Purely Vocals performance, and preparing for this holiday week, during which I am on vacation! All I can say is, "Ahhhhhh...."  Vacation is a good thing!

I've split my time so far this weekend reading/relaxing and doing errands. Hubby's on vacation too, so we are planning on spending the week chillin' and celebrating the holiday with family. Hubby's family is having guests from Scotland, which is very exciting and cool. I guess this would be their first Thanksgiving... What fun it will be to spend the holiday with folks who are experiencing it anew!

And of course we will spend some time with my 'Fam-Damily'. It's looking to be a pretty great week!

Books and Blogging

So, as I've mentioned, it's been a busy year and I really feel like I've been slacking blog-wise. So, now that things have slowed a bit (or at least the "responsibilities" have and that makes it feel like life has calmed), I've been focusing a bit more on it and where I want to go with it.

As you may have noticed, I've been hard at work making some changes. A new look was overdue. I had tried a template I found a few weeks ago, but I just didn't love it. This new look is cleaner, less busy...but still cute. It's called "Lovebirds". Of course, I nixed the bird pic and added my own LoveKitty pic! Ha! What do you think?

I've also decided to incorporate more reviews with Throwback Thursday, reviews of books I read before the blog was started. I've read some good ones and it's a shame to let them go unnoticed.  I've also been reading a bit more, so hopefully newer reviews are on their way too.  This week, I am reading Everything is Perfect When You're A Liar by Kelly Oxford. Not sure if I like it yet, but I have laughed out loud at least that's a good sign.

Thoughts on the blog changes? Anything not included that you'd like to see? 

Hope everyone has a great week and (if you are celebrating) an awesome holiday!
