Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A to Z Challenge - R

Books This Book Blogger Owns...and Will.Read.Soon!

River, Cross My Heart

Breena Clarke

Highly accomplished novel resonates with ideas, impassioned lyricism, and poignant historical detail as it captures an essential part of the African-American experience in our century.

This book has been sitting around my house for quite a long time, but I really am interested in reading it and therefore I won't get rid of it. Honestly, the Oprah thing is what caught my eye, at first. Now I am just really interested in the story.  Soon, very soon!


Wendy said...

I have only one book in the house that I haven't read. It was given to me by a friend who read it and frankly, I'm just not interested. I'm trying to get up the nerve to return it without hurting his feelings.
~Visiting from AtoZ