Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Awkward Family Photos - Bender/Chernack

AwkwardFamilyPhotos.com is a hilarious website that enables humor appreciating folks to post embarrassing photographs and stories for the benefit of others who, quite frankly, want a good laugh at the expense of others (because let's face it, they too have a pile of these embarrassing photos at home and just aren't ballsy enough to post them). What a great concept!

Award Family Photos, by Mike Bender and Doug Chernack, is the brilliant attempt by some shrewd businessmen to capitalize on that concept.

Based on the Esquire magazine quote:  

“painful, regrettable, horrifyingly awesome snaps of family bonding, you will laugh so hard that people in adjoining offices will ask what’s wrong with you”—Esquire

I was anxiously awaiting the snorts and guffaws, the gasping for air between wiping the hilarity tears from my eyes. Sadly, they never came. 

Yes, there were a few giggles. A couple of chuckles escaped, but no guffaws or raucous laughter. Maybe the art of these hilarious photos just doesn't translate to the book form?  Or perhaps they saved the best pictures for another version of the book?  This book just wasn't as entertaining as it promised. 

They say, "Nothing says awkward better than an uncomfortable family photograph!", except perhaps the realization that maybe you have no sense of humor.

1/5- Don’t waste your time.