Today is my work department's first holiday celebration in, what I understand is, over a decade! Last year, my first at the company, I asked about a holiday party and folks just kind of put it off. We are a diverse group... Of course that shouldn't matter, it should add to the festivities! Folks just seemed unmotivated to celebrate the season. This year, I had support from some new faculty...and another year's seniority! So, I started shaking the proverbial holiday tree/menorah! I broached the subject with my boss and got the go ahead. Yipee! Except that this put the whole event on my shoulders...OY! Unfortunately, I started very late and thus the planning for the event has been stunted. But folks are finally signing up to attend and saying they will bring treats. I am very much hoping that it is a success! Now, it just so happens that Sir Isaac Newton's birthday is the 25th (on the old calendar, on the current calendar its the 4th of January or something), but since I work in a department of physicists we decided to bill the party as a "Birthday Bash" for one of the world's most famous physicists. Hopefully that will take some of the holiday party feel out of it and folks of all denominations will attend! I am really hoping it is a rousing success and that everyone has a good time! Otherwise, this may just be the last party for the next decade... All art courtesy of
Just your average reader, blogger, singer, theater geek, web designer, crafts junkie - living in the Boston area with a wonderful husband and two precious new kitties (and of course my cherished memories of a Diva Kitty).
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